Student and Parent Sign In

PowerSchool ID Creation

Step 1: Enter your current sign in information

Enter your Username and Password

— Or —

Create an Account

Create a parent account that allows you to view all of your students with one account. You can also manage your account preferences. Learn more.

Students - Use your District/Windows username (First.Last) and password to log into the Power School portal. The user name is case sensitive, so you may need to capitalize the first letter of the First and Last name.

Yes, the same password you use to log into Windows and Chromebooks.

Parents/Guardians - Create a parent account
Select "Create Account"
Enter your name and email address and create a username and password
Select "Link Student To Account" and enter each of your student's Access ID and Access Passwords. Access ID and Access Passwords are not your student's username and password.

If you need your student's Access ID and Access Password, or if you need assistance with your Parent account, send an email to  You may also contact your student's school with assistance obtaining your student's Access ID and Access password.